About Us
Ranyati Firearm Motivations originated in 2006 and we have put together over 15000 plus successful applications. We are also a proud corporate member of PFTC. Our personnel are avid hunters and also participate actively in sport shooting on a National as well as an International level. Our purpose is to provide a one-stop service regarding the administration of the Firearms Control Act. We would like to make it simpler for the general public to comply with the requirements of the Act. We prepare motivations and/or firearm license application forms on your behalf. Each motivation includes and deals with all the reasons used by the Central Firearm Registry (CFR) in the past to refuse an application. Your motivation also includes necessary supporting documentation required by your local SAPS, which get thoroughly checked by our office. The completed motivation with the relevant supporting documents is printed and bound in a book form.

We provide the following services to the public:
Completion of SAPS applications forms.
Renewal of existing firearm licences.
Business security firearm applications.
Competency Applications: Completion of application forms.
Estate Firearm Licence Applications
Appeals on refusal of licences.
Motivations for new firearm licence applications: Handgun for self-defence, occasional sport shooting, dedicated sport, occasional hunting & dedicated hunting motivations.
Safe Firearm Storage
Buying and selling of used firearms
Firearm estate administration

Oor Ons
Ranyati Firearm Motivations het sy ontstaan gehad in 2006, en ons het reeds meer as 15000 plus suksesvolle aansoeke saamgestel. Ons is ook n trotse koperatiewe lid van PFTC. Ranyati personeel neem aktief deel aan jag aktiwiteite en neem ook deel aan sport skiet op n Nasionale asook Internasionale vlak. Ons is ‘n onderneming wat ten doel het om ‘n eenstopdiens met betrekking tot die administrasie van die Wet op die Beheer van Vuurwapens te verskaf. Ons wil dit eenvoudiger maak vir die man op straat om aan die vereistes van die wet te voldoen asook om n spoedige en suskesvolle lisensie te bekom. Ons berei ‘n motivering namens u voor. Elke motivering bestaan uit al die redes wat die CFR (Central Firearm Registry) in die verlede gebruik het om aansoeke te weier teen te staan, sowel as u bystaande dokumentasie wat deur die SAPS vereis word. Ons kantoor gaan deeglik deur u dokumentasie om te verseker dat die aansoek aanvaar word. Die voltooide motivering met die relevante bystaande dokumente is gebind in ‘n boek formaat.